Computer Vision Course
Course Components
Course Syllabus
Questions ?
- The VisionTutor Computer Vision Course provides a basic
introduction to the field of computer vision. It is a combined
classroom and laboratory package.
- The course makes it possible for educational institutions
and commercial companies to prepare students to understand and
apply computer vision algorithms and techniques.
- The VisionTutor Computer Vision Course provides lecture
materials, laboratory guides, and a software environment that
allow students to explore the material in detail.
- The course uses the KBVision System as the execution tool for
the exploration of many of the concepts that are introduced.
- Development of the VisionTutor Computer Vision Course has been
supported in part by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency
under SBIR Contract DAAH01-91-C-R054 to Amerinex Artificial Intelligence,
Inc. (AAI).
- All VisionTutor materials are copyrighted by the authors and
by AAI and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission
from AAI.
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Amerinex Applied Imaging, Incorporated
KBVision, KBView and VisionTutor are Trademarks of Amerinex A.I.
All VisionTutor Materials are Copyrighted